Friday, November 10, 2006

Exit options...

There are two things anyone can make out of the card game of FLASH:
a) The earlier you EXIT the lesser is the damage to your wallet!
b) More often than not, its not the one with the "highest" combination of cards that wins, rather it's the last man standing or in simpler words, the one who decides NOT to quit.

Allright...enough about cards.

There is something that bothers me whenever I talk to any of my peers about career/jobs and stuff. It's the idea of EXIT OPTIONS. There always always always (this was not a typo) HAVE to be excellent exit options of the next career move. In a nutshell, we are talking about the "Plan - B" even before a day at the new job. To put it more bluntly, the WAY OUT is an important criteria for deciding whether to get in or not in the fist place!

A phone call from an old friend the other day left me slightly confused. She had just started seeing a guy and really excited about the whole thing. The real good part, in her words, was the fact that they have already decided to not make it ugly if down the line things don't go the desired way. This was a good thing she said, as so many people around today are in such messed up relationships struggling to keep things together for no apparent reason. So as per her, in her new relationship there was not "extra pressure" to make this work at any and every cost, after all they had already talked about the EXIT OPTIONS. "Awesome ain't it?", she exclaimed at the end of the conversation. "Yeah...really...", was all I could muster...

What has really got me confused is the fact that all this while I was under the impression that the true fun of the thing lies in getting through rough the patches together and somewhere down the line, the whole experience of sticking through it all gets people closer. Similarly, I wonder why most of us (me included) aspire to do it all...I mean the "whole works" that we learned at our colleges in our first year at our jobs! When it's clearly proven through empirical studies that 6/10 MBA grads switch jobs within the first 11 months of their joining! How on earth do you expect the company to entrust the employee with the kind of responsibility we so often dream of in the first few months? Fact is...I myself fall prey to such thoughts quite often...

Of course, there are many cases when throwing in the towel is the only sensible thing to do. After all, who would want to live with an abusive husband? But somehow I am getting the feel that QUITTING is beginning to be the "in thing" these days. Quitting on anything and any person seems to be the norm rather than to toil through the rut and earn the pot of gold at the end of rainbow. This ain't easy though...No way! But I faintly remember the number of times I was scolded, at times "fixed" by my folks for something wrong that I'd do no matter how much they tried to correct me... till one day when I stopped doing that again... Would have been easy for them to give up too I guess but they didn't. Same for many of my friends who've all this while put up with me on my bad days, teachers who could have let me be another failure of the education system...and so on...

The point is QUITTING was never difficult. But my old fashioned self still believes I'd hang on a little bit longer, just may be the storm eases out later. Life is not a card game. Packing up your hand early to cut the losses isn't the wisest move always. The stakes are high, no doubt about that but it's sometimes more worthy to loose a well-fought battle then to bail out at the first sign of rough weather...


At November 10, 2006 5:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey shishir!! I loved it!! Both ur post "exit options" and ur "about me"!!
Well said!!

At November 10, 2006 6:28 pm, Blogger Sreejit said...

Hey man,
As always impressive writing..
Earlier in your posts(very old ones) u were treading a safe line, some where u weren't putting ur foot down. You kept ppl wondering as to what your actually u thought abt the issue. But ever since 7/11 you have come out of that and your bold views are well appreciated.
I may not hold similair views always but then as the name says " Life-to-Text.. So its your thoughts and I respect them.

At November 10, 2006 8:44 pm, Blogger Shishir said...

Thanks pal... What can I say about your observation...guess that's what they call EVOLUTION :)

At November 11, 2006 12:52 am, Blogger kunal Singh said...

quitters never win and winners never quit!! have had the privilage and honour of knowing you for a no. of years now n i know from exp. that u come in the latter category.
its not bad to have an exit option or "plan B" but if one lets the "plan B" dictate the flow of life then i guess one wud never be a winner. n you my friend have always been a winner!!!

At November 13, 2006 1:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey s.... :) !! Totally agree with you...But maybe having no exit options scares people too much... its asking for too much commitment, its too intense.. and you know how cool, being cool is these days... if u get what I mean..

At November 13, 2006 4:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well shishir...I am not sure..if quitting is that great cant always think of alternatives rest of ur life!! At our age we can still think of this...but am sure after certain age everyone wants stability in too am slightly old fashioned.. would also sail through rough streams...rather than change paths so often.

At November 14, 2006 3:23 am, Blogger Sundeep Reddy said...

sassi hit nail on the head when it comes to quitting options....... dilemma stays in every mind. just the few fortunate 6/10 MBA land in a place they wanted to no again into the 6/10 category :-)

keep blogging dude......

At November 14, 2006 1:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey buds

Scrapping fr the first time. But honestly, IMPRESSIVE WRITING. The "easiness" of quitting is what attracts one to do it. There is definitely an underlying fear of failing in the rough times. And few have tasted the wine of success after the rough times. Believe me, they will savour the taste till eternity. Cheers to "No Quitting".

At November 18, 2006 6:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Post! :)

At November 20, 2006 4:22 pm, Blogger Arnie said...

This one is good!! sometimes ur articles leaves the reader in a confused state or might be they are very thought provoking. This one i liked for the candid approach. Keep writing!!

At December 12, 2006 4:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nicely put.... i like it

At February 06, 2007 3:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guru. as always.. great post !! Keep writing


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