Tuesday, April 04, 2006

“So, what are you thinking?”

Thick skinned. I still remember the time when I first heard the term, it was meant for me of course. The “crime” was…as far as what I remember, my lazy refusal to be toilet trained! The whole “lift the seat”….”put it down” stuff was too much for me to remember all the time…

But this post is about something that stinks more than a toilet…

Ever wondered why the most acclaimed of the plays / movies / works of literature etc. are based on the misery of others? Another source of entertainment is the daily news. How else would you describe the incident that a reporter took the footage of a man who went on to burn himself alive in the presence of a large crowd and police persons? Apparently, the channel recorded highest TRP rating that night and it took a prohibitory ruling to stop it from airing the “EXCLUSIVE” report any more number of times. After all, what can be better than live TV? And we graduated from live game shows a long time back, there isn’t enough pain to make your skin crawl, so what’s the fun? Right?

It is not the human appetite for other people’s suffering that bothers me but it’s the sheer apathy with which we are able to walk in and out of an alleged work of art that depicts the ordeal of another man. The responses are varied though. More the “intellectual” the audience the more intense the living room discussions that follow. Those with “soft hearts” are guilty at times of being generous with a tear or two. The closest person in the gathering however is quick to point out about it being “not-so-bad” as it looks and then follows the cover story of Reader’s Digest on how someone, somewhere was able to change the situation and rescue the prisoners of circumstances with sheer tenacity and compassion. We all then nod in agreement that the world is a better place only because of these people. The talk is interrupted by the announcement that the dinner is served and barring a prim & proper Ms. XYZ who just has salad for dinner as the movie made her loose her appetite, the rest put even put accomplished gluttons to shame. “Goodnites” and “Catch ya later” fill the air and the gathering disperses. Of course, that’s after it is decided that we all have to catch the heart rendering depiction of the crisis in Mumbai’s slums by some big shot socialite-cum-playwright next weekend.

I was at this play a couple of weeks back. It was on the way we face and are even responsible for discrimination of one form or the other. It was quite dramatic and the point was driven down quite hard by the talented cast. Half the audience had misty eyes and they all hanged their head as they moved out of the auditorium. Almost as if acknowledging their part in the crime, one way or the other.

The lead actor was an acquaintance and so he came up to me and asked, “So, what are you thinking?” I guess he anticipated a compliment for his performance, which was undoubtedly great. But all I could manage as a reply was…

“I am thinking…how long will I take to forget this one?”


At June 07, 2006 10:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right shishir that we i wont say people here take pleasure in knowing others ordeals....thats why may be sas bahu serials are always on a high....
but u know wat i feel we all are anxious it mite not be about pleasue but assurance that its life and its this way for all.....
I know its an unendng debate but SUCH IS LIFE ;)

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