Friday, September 16, 2005

"Hello Gorgeous..." ......"Excuse Me?"

"Hi...I could'nt help but notice how gorgeous you look in that red dress of yours!" A synopsis of what follows is given below.

Ever wondered how our brain functions? The way it constantly evaluates events, sitiuations and above all...people? From your worst sworn enemy to our girl/boy-friend to our parents to the guy standing in front of you in the bus, every one is under the magnigying class. Being weighed, evaluated, formed an opinion of and often sentenced to a particular typecast till kingdom come! Once "sentenced" by our brain, the person would have to do something so different from his "usual" path that the possibility of being re-slotted is next to NIL! He/she is BRANDED for life.

The way I see it, the whole deal is quite unfortunate. Why does one have to prove him/her self over and over again? Why can't, for once people be taken for what they are at that moment, free of any masks or labels that we assign them? Or is the baggage an evil that we have come to live with? I can understand the need have our guard up and all. The need to make sure we are not harmed physically/emotionally by anyone. It is so common and we are so used to it that we have started doing it instinctively. Awareness is one thing but scrutinizing everyone and trying to see through non-existant layers of lie and deciet is something we can all do without.

There is so much of distrust and the desire to look-between-the-lines in whatever meets the eye that we have lost the once simple joy of walking up to someone and giving a geniuine compliment. Our actions will most certainly be amounted to one or the other ulterior evil intentions. "Why did he/she say that?" "Is he/she stalking me?" "Am I safe around him/her?" "Is he/she going to harm me?" These and many other questions from the same pedigree follow. The person is given a strange "What's your problem?" plus "Leave me alone!" look and we just walk on. Because he/she forgot that he/she was in a witness stand all this while, waiting for the judgement that just has been delivered with that look of suspicion mixed with a generous helping of utter disdain. The chapter is heartlessly closed. The verdict is out and the accused has been hanged at the very start of the hearing.

All rise. The proceedings of the court are over for the day.


At December 14, 2005 4:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

went thru so much of judging today despite doing nuthin at al... happiness was wiped off my face...extremely rudely... today i gave in... lost to this i started drinking alone...

At December 15, 2005 12:04 pm, Blogger Shishir said...

Who's this? Mail me...


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