Sunday, April 17, 2005 it comes !?!?

Tell me something...

Sounds pretty cool but does the line "Take life as it comes..." really hold any water ? Its easy to sound ideallistic and say that "I have no rules" ..."I will go with the flow"..."I am open to experiences". But is it possible? How can you totally disregard the boundaries that are very much there? Does it should not stop yourself from falling for someone who in all common sense can never be yours? Does it mean...its okay to let go of your dreams if reaching for them isn't in agreement with the "plans life has made for you"? Does it mean...compromising for the stuff that happens to you rather than taking the world on for what you "really want"? I would sure love it...but is it possible? And please, don't quote me a line from Ayn Rand's "Fountainhead" !!!

I don't know. Frankly. I have no clue.


At September 18, 2005 8:16 pm, Blogger z3phyr said...

well i hvnt read fountainhead ..though heard a lot bout it...newaz comin bck to ur confusion...ahemm..look at the +ive side of it dude...
takin life as it comes jus means dun ur imagination shudnt be curbed by ur past xperiences...dun get stuck in past and sink ur present...jus do wht ur heart tells u to when u r doin it...!!

At September 19, 2005 12:00 pm, Blogger Shishir said...

...I know what you mean, and that's the general idea with me too but at times the heart leads you to strange crossroads...

Anyway who says life's gonna be perfect, right?


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