Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Pursuit of Happyness...

Who doesn't like to watch a movie about the "triumph of human spirit" or the "victory of faith over despair" etc. etc. If nothing, you leave the movie hall with at least 3-to-4 "To Do Points" to tackle the X-Y-Z issues you're facing in your own life. It's something between a "Can do" and "Bring it on" kind of feeling that lingers on.

"The Pursuit of Happyness"...No, this ain't a movie review. But I won't deny that I really did like this movie. And I liked the name even better! So let's just say that this post has been..."inspired" by the movie, shall we?

To quote from The Declaration of Independence, "...all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..." The really interesting point Mr. Will Smith ponders about here is the use of the word - PURSUIT. The latent meaning that it is not the end-goal of achieving the so-called entity named "happiness" that's the key but its mere "pursuit"...was especially hard-hitting.

You don't wake up one day and just "get happiness" served with bacon and eggs and a bowl of cereal nor is it something that is enclosed with the cool degree you earn at the end of your fancy higher education. It's the pleasure one draws to follow a dream, something one believes in that really counts. At least it is what SHOULD count!

By the way, who ever said that the word "dream" or "passion" only refers to something like owning my own chain of hotels across Asia or being the world’s best scuba diver? I have this thing for maybe one day I have this nice place of my own with a huge terrace where I can call my friends for a few drinks and mindless banter while I get the bar-be-que going. It's nothing spectacular but I do want to be able to do that sometime soon. What do I do when I actually DO this? I go make myself another simple (or stupidly huge) dream. And walk on...

Not everyone who starts with you in the journey might last and that is the way it has always been. I guess it is just a function of how much worth the individual sees for the effort (at times agony) vis-à-vis the strength of his/her own faith in the whole fight. With or without those who too started alongside but bailed out somewhere along the way...the strong ones finish the journey or they happily die trying... the pursuit of happiness.

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