"He lived"
Someone once told me that if you want to learn how to live, just think what would you like your epithet to read once you are no more. And then work backwards to live a life that earns a place for those words. So I began thinking about it, what do I really want ? What is that I would like my epithet to read ?
I enjoy standing all by self and watching the sunrise, I enjoy sweating it out with my Dad in the summer afternoon, I enjoy helping my little sister with the little and not so little things in life. I enjoy a long conversation with a friend when he / she really wants someone to just listen to them and not be judgemental, I like spending hours chatting up with my granny, I don't mind getting wasted once in while. I love watching movies and making something for myself after a hard day's work and then sleeping on the couch watching that movie and dozing away...and so on. After scribbling umpteen sentences in Queen's English, straining my starved vocabulary to the limits, I realised that all that I want my epithet to read was just two words...
Yeah...that really sums it all up. I am working on it backwards. I don't know if I'd get those two words at the end of the road or not but one thing is for sure that when I do close my eyes, I will do so with a smile that at least I tried...